UWT Firmware Version 3.0 Now Available!

Release Notes for UWT Version 3.0

UWT Firmware Version 3.0 is a scheduled software release for the UWT-100 and UWT-50 which adds full support for the CS-105 at initial release. Most of the changes focus on improvements and bug fixes in LCC mode. Continue reading to see the full list of changes.

UWT Firmware Version 3.0 is REQUIRED to operate a CS-105 when connected in LCC mode. Use of an older UWT firmware version with a CS-105 will result in most features of the system not working properly, and error messages and connection issues.


CS-105 Feature Support

NOTE: All of the items below only apply when the UWT is connected to a CS-105 in LCC mode, and do not apply when in the WiThrottle Protocol connection mode. Many of the features described in this section are feature integrations with the Command Station. Listed below are some of the highlight features. For more detailed information on these features and how to use them, please refer to our Wiki Documentation for the CS-105.

Fun Fact: If your layout is run with assistance from JMRI, you can control your trains with a UWT in LCC mode using JMRI. In order to do this, you MUST be running JMRI Version 5.0 or newer otherwise you will not have the feature support. JMRI can be used to run an LCC/OpenMRN “Hub” (similar to a WiThrottle server) to connect an unlimited number of UWT’s to your CS-105.

Programming Track

To access this user interface, navigate to Menu>4 CV Programming>2 Programming Track

Programming Track UI

NOTE: CV programming is only available when connected to a CS-105 in LCC mode.

Roster Data Entry for Locomotives

Add, modify, and remove locomotives in the CS-105’s Internal Roster. Configure options such as:

  • Name of locomotive
  • Speed Step Mode
  • Names/Labels for each button-controlled function
  • Button-controlled functions which respond while in a system-controlled consist

To set up and access roster settings, first select a locomotive, then navigate to Menu>8 Settings>3 Roster Settings

Train name and metadata on the display of the current throttle will refresh automatically after editing Roster Settings.

Miscellaneous Train Selection and Control Changes

  • Adds support for selecting a locomotive using Marklin-Motorola (trinary) protocol by adding double-zero before the locomotive address. Example: to select M/M address 25, press the Loco key, type in “0025” and press ENTER. Note that entering “025” will select DCC long address 25.
  • Function labels used for soft key settings will match CS-105 software version 1.0. As an example, when Button [:.] is configured under Throttle Settings > Change Buttons for “Coupler Open”, and the CS-105 presents a F9 as “Uncouple”, then pressing [:.] will trigger F9 on the locomotive.

LCC Throttle “Heartbeats”

  • Adds support for heartbeats in the LCC train protocol.

NOTE: The CS-105 requires heartbeats from a throttle by default. When a UWT throttle with software prior to this version controls a train in LCC mode, the operator will find that the train speed resets to zero after ~10 seconds of running. This is resolved in the 3.0 release. If UWT’s with older software versions should not need to be used with a CS-105, heartbeat must be disabled in the command station settings.
Notifies LCC train to stop sending heartbeat requests when the throttle is powered down (intentionally or due to inactivity timeout).

Accessory Control

  • Makes accessory screen in LCC mode work similarly to WiThrottle Protocol mode:
    • Pressing ENTER will toggle-and-exit
    • Pressing the Turnout Button will toggle and stay in the accessory screen.
  • Adds support for triggering Command Station Macros on the CS-105. To trigger a macro, press the turnout button, enter zero followed by the macro number, then enter. As an example, type “042 ENTER” to run macro number 42.
  • Adds support for turnout addresses up to 2047 according to the RCN-213 standard.

Short Circuit Indicator

  • Adds an indicator to the top-right of the screen whenever a short circuit is present. This icon will appear instead of the WiFi signal strength indicator.
Short Circuit Indicator

NOTE: This feature will only work when connected to a TCS CS-105 and TCS Boosters.

Fast Clock

  • Adds Fast Clock support in LCC mode. In LCC mode the throttle can automatically detect whether there is a Fast Clock generator available on LCC.

Bug Fixes for LCC Connections

  • Fixes an issue where trailing locomotives in LCC consists did not respond to function button presses.
  • Fixes a rare network-related lockup in LCC mode.
  • Fixes incorrect display on screen when selecting a locomotive fails.
  • Fixes incorrect display of address in the DCC Address Programming screen when a locomotive is being reprogrammed from a long address to a short address.
  • Fixes a crash that was dependent on the serial number of the throttle.

Misc Changes

Items in this section apply regardless of the connection mode (LCC or WiThrottle Protocol).

  • Improved the behaviour of the UWT-50P when the knob is moved while the user is in the menu screens. After exiting the menu, the knob will have to be first returned near the current speed before the locomotive speed can be changed. This is the same behavior as just after selecting or recalling a locomotive which avoids a sudden change of speed.
  • Menu Name for Menu>8 Settings>2 Consist Functions changed to “2 WT Consist Funcs” for clarity purposes. This menu is used to handle function routing when creating and running In-Throttle Consists with the UWT, and does not apply or change any settings in LCC mode. The menu title was changed to reflect this to avoid confusion with consist function settings in the CS-105 Internal Roster.
  • Improved clarity of some error messages
  • Improved Help Text in many areas, and added new Help Text for new menu items.


CLICK HERE for instructions on how to install the update
